
Charlotte Sturiale
2 min readJan 21, 2021


The reasoning and process of how artificial intelligence classifies you

“A step by step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end” — Merriam-Webster

When discussing algorithms, people often forget that this problem-solving process is no more than our own decision making. An algorithm can be as simple as following steps to a recipe when cooking. With technological advancements, the definition of an algorithm has evolved into more convoluted systems and structures. Within the world of computer science, an algorithm is defined as a set of tasks preformed by a software to achieve a specific function. A simple model explaining an algorithm can be seen below…

Data → Calculations → Answer

Why Do Algorithms Matter?

Just like scientific models or equations, algorithms are meant to figure out problems! A useful article that explains the importance of algorithms can be found on

My favorite quote from this article happened to be the first sentence. It states “Algorithms are part of the machine learning landscape.”. This statement described algorithms beautifully and put a definition with countless amounts of examples, ranging simple to complex, easy to understand.

How Do Algorithms Form?

Whether people like to admit it or not, your life can be put into an algorithm. The evolution of technology only makes processes, such as algorithms, an incredibly present part of your live. When creating an algorithm on a computer, you start by constructing a computer program. Programs like these provide a computer with step-by-step instructions that it will mechanically follow to complete a task. While giving a computer instructions, you will also have to state how the process will be executed; how it will be done.

A quote from Klint Finley states …

“Today’s internet is ruled by algorithms. These mathematical creations determine what you see in your Facebook feed, what movies Netflix recommends to you, and what ads you see in your Gmail.”

In conclusion, algorithms that are correctly executed can make any process more efficient. Similar to common sense, if confusion is present, your algorithm can be quite useless.

