Charlotte Sturiale
2 min readJan 5, 2021

The internet is a global platform of computer channels/networks that has established a whole new way of communication. In chapter 1, made the remark “The web, on the other hand, breaks the traditional publishing model”. The article mentioned how the older model refers to a team-made effort where documents are carefully controlled before being put out for the whole world to see. The internet has given anybody and everybody a chance to access whatever information they seek. A simple explanation can be argued that the internet is everywhere, and for the most part, that statement is pretty accurate. On a more technical level, the internet is not always available to everyone. This can create conflict over where the internet itself resides. Regarding how many internet’s there are, from an uneducated point of view, I see the internet as a singular noun. However, after looking up the answer to that question out of pure curiosity, there seem to be a few internet’s that make up approximately 40,000 different networks. The internet is great in the sense that any information you would like to know is very easily accessible; that’s why I love it. Unfortunately, the downside of that creates a huge breach of privacy for individuals who choose to misuse it. This could also result in false information that can spread like wildfires. I would say that pros outweigh the cons but the internet can be incredibly unnerving if you stumble across the wrong information. In a way, the internet seems similar to the ocean where it is so much and it is almost overwhelming. #Dgst101

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